YEAR 2019-2020
YEAR 2016-2017
As they usually do, they are travelling around the world...

Find out about chipmunks.
we have any in Spain?
do they eat?
do they live?
do they look like?
a picture about a chipmunk.
a short information leaflet on the real animals that Alvin and his friends are
based on.
chipmunks in the film are called Alvin, Theodore and Simon. Theodore is the
cute one, Simon in the clever one and Alvin is the cheeky one. Can you tell
which one is which on the poster image above?
Como hemos empezado con el pasado simple en inglés,
Y despedimos el curso con esta canción
The Goodbye song for children
El próximo martes 3 de Mayo tendremos en el colegio para el tercer ciclo, TEATRO EN INGLÉS .
La obra es Robinson Crusoe
The story has since been perceived to be based on the life of Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish castaway who lived for four years with his pet dog on a pacific island called "Más a Tierra", now part of Chile, which was renamed Robinson Crusoe Island in 1966.
The adventures of Robinson Crusoe, a man who is dragged to a desert island after a shipwreck.
A continuación os dejo unas actividades de LISTENING , READING,and WRITING para que practiquéis...
LISTENING: Empezad por el nivel A1
READING COMPREHENSION : Empezad por el nivel A1
WRITING : Empezad por el nivel A1
aquí os dejo la simpática canción sobre la historia de MR MORTON.....para que practiquéis el pasado simple, el sujeto y el predicado...ENJOY!!!!
This is the tale of Mister Morton
Mister Morton is who?
He is the subject of our tale
Mister Morton is who?
He is the subject of our tale
And the predicate tells what Mister
Morton must do
Mister Morton walked down the street
Mister Morton walked
Mister Morton talked to his cat
Mister Morton talked
(Hello, cat, you look good)
Mister Morton was lonely
Mister Morton was
Mister Morton is the subject of the sentence
And what the predicate says, he does
Mister Morton knew just one girl
Mister Morton knew
Mister Morton grew flowers for Pearl
Mister Morton grew
Mister Morton was very shy
Mister Morton was
Mister Morton is the subject of the sentence
And what the predicate says, he does
The subject is a noun
That's a person, place or thing
It's who or what the sentence is about
And the predicate is the verb
That's the action word
That gets the subject up and out
Mister Morton wrote Pearl a poem
Mister Morton wrote
Pearl replied in the afternoon
Pearl replied by a note
Mister Morton was very nervous
Mister Morton was
Mister Morton is the subject of the sentence
And what the predicate says, he does
The cat stretched
The sun beat down
A neighbor chased his kid
(Come here, kid - come on!)
Each sentence is completed when
You know what the subject did
Mister Morton knocked on her door
Mister Morton knocked
Mister Morton sat on her porch
Yes, he just sat there and rocked
Mister Morton was a nervous man
When she opened up the door he ran
Morton must do
Mister Morton walked down the street
Mister Morton walked
Mister Morton talked to his cat
Mister Morton talked
(Hello, cat, you look good)
Mister Morton was lonely
Mister Morton was
Mister Morton is the subject of the sentence
And what the predicate says, he does
Mister Morton knew just one girl
Mister Morton knew
Mister Morton grew flowers for Pearl
Mister Morton grew
Mister Morton was very shy
Mister Morton was
Mister Morton is the subject of the sentence
And what the predicate says, he does
The subject is a noun
That's a person, place or thing
It's who or what the sentence is about
And the predicate is the verb
That's the action word
That gets the subject up and out
Mister Morton wrote Pearl a poem
Mister Morton wrote
Pearl replied in the afternoon
Pearl replied by a note
Mister Morton was very nervous
Mister Morton was
Mister Morton is the subject of the sentence
And what the predicate says, he does
The cat stretched
The sun beat down
A neighbor chased his kid
(Come here, kid - come on!)
Each sentence is completed when
You know what the subject did
Mister Morton knocked on her door
Mister Morton knocked
Mister Morton sat on her porch
Yes, he just sat there and rocked
Mister Morton was a nervous man
When she opened up the door he ran
Mister Morton climbed up his stairs
Mister Morton climbed
Mister Morton rhymed pretty words
Mister Morton rhymed
Mister Morton was lonely
Mister Morton was
Until Pearl showed up with a single rose
Who says women can't propose?
Now Mister Morton is happy
And Pearl and the cat are too
They're the subjects of the sentence
And what the predicate says, they do
Mister Morton climbed
Mister Morton rhymed pretty words
Mister Morton rhymed
Mister Morton was lonely
Mister Morton was
Until Pearl showed up with a single rose
Who says women can't propose?
Now Mister Morton is happy
And Pearl and the cat are too
They're the subjects of the sentence
And what the predicate says, they do
The Goodbye song for children
2 comentarios:
Gracias delia por las canciones ya las he visto pero en el de 4
I saw all the videos are fantastic. Thank Delia¡¡¡
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